Island of the Arts Station

This station is one of the most important of Vamos Kids, because it is the station that allows children to express all their creativity and materialize it in a garment. Not only does La Isla de las Artes allow the child to discover the artist in him, it also offers the possibility for the child to express himself with complete freedom in his drawing, decorate it to his liking and then see it materialized in a garment that he can wear forever. It is a wonderful way to teach children that it is possible to materialize their dreams, ideas and desires.

  • Price : $60.000 
  • Duration : 60 min 

Book here

Pizza Station

In this station children will develop different skills and abilities, they will learn to follow instructions, to be organized, they will understand that everything has a process, they will develop their creativity,

Estación Forrest

Para nosotros es muy importante que nuestros pequeños aprendan y desarrollen las diferentes áreas del desarrollo es por ello que la estación Forrest será una de las favoritas ya que allí podrán

Vamos Garden

La experiencia en la estación Garden es increíble, los niños aprenderán a desarrollar su conciencia y amor por el planeta ya que les enseñaremos a cultivar los alimentos que consumen en la

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Horario de apertura

Horario de apertura

Miércoles a Domingos

 3:00 pm – 9:00 pm

 Lunes y Martes abrimos si hay un evento, fiesta o visita programada
